Annual Events

Santa's Wish List

Santa's Wish List provides Christmas gifts for children served by Child Advocates, who have been victims of life-threatening abuse or neglect and - as a result - have been placed in the protective custody of Child Protective Services. The Santa's Wish List program makes the holiday season brighter for these children who might otherwise be without gifts for Christmas.

Choose one of the following ways to help a child have a very special Christmas.

  1. Make a donation to Santa’s Wish List
    Want to bring some holiday cheer to an abused child but don't have time to deal with the logistics? Let us take care of it for you! Your online contribution or check mailed to Child Advocates (please designate Santa's Wish List on your check) will go straight to Santa's Workshop, where Santa's elves will buy and distribute gifts for you! **After all the gifts have been given, any additional funds that remain will go towards Child Advocates' mission of helping abused and neglected children.
  2. Sponsor a child (or multiple children)
    The average amount spent per child is $150. Sponsoring a child's Wish List is an opportunity for you, your family and/or your company to provide gifts to one or more of these very deserving children. The child (or his/her caregiver) completes a Wish List registration form detailing 3-5 items the child would like from Santa Claus. As a sponsor, you will receive the Wish List form from Child Advocates and then shop for "your" child or children. Since the children we serve range in age from newborn to 18 years, the requested gifts are child- and age-specific. We ask that a minimum of three gifts be purchased for each child (typically one "big" item and at least two "smaller" items). You will bring your child's gifts, in a bag, to Santa's Warehouse on the designated sponsor drop-off days (December 3, 4 or 5) with the Santa's Wish List Form attached, where they will be sorted, wrapped and prepared for delivery in time for Christmas. The child's advocate will physically deliver the gifts.
  3. Organize a Toy Drive
    This option is an opportunity for you, your family and/or your company to hold a toy drive to collect NEW toys and clothing for the children Child Advocates serves (ages newborn to 18 years). The items Child Advocates receives through toy drives help Santa with last-minute gifts for children who don't have a sponsor. Additionally, toy drive items help Santa ensure that siblings receive an equal number of gifts. Check our frequent wish list for additional suggestions. Once your drive is complete, you will drop off the collected items at Santa's Warehouse on the designated sponsor drop-off days (December 3, 4 or 5).
  4. Donate to a gift registry at Amazon or Target
    This option is an opportunity for you to purchase one or more items that a child has wished for this holiday season. The items help Santa with last-minute gifts for children who don’t have a sponsor and/or ensure that siblings receive an equal number of gifts. Please check the box "ordering a gift" and write in the gift note your name and address to be acknowledged by Child Advocates. The items need to be ordered and sent to Child Advocates by December 8 so that we can make sure Santa can get the gifts wrapped in time for our advocates to deliver to our kids.
  5. Volunteer at Santa's Workshop - Be an elf at Santa's Workshop. Help us sort through the toys and gift wrap presents, all while making this the best holiday ever for our kids! 
For more information, please contact our Special Projects Team.
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April 01, 2025 - April 23, 2025
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You may put in a request of a court appointed advocate for any child/children currently in the temporary managing conservatorship of Harris County DFPS.

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To report child abuse, neglect or abandonment, contact the Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline.
Is your company or organization looking for more information on Child Advocates? Let us know and we are happy to come to you and share our mission and stories.

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