Sandra Nassif: May 2021 Volunteer of the Month

Sandra Nassif began her work as a volunteer at Child Advocates 12 years ago, and has been advocating for three boys, ages 6, 7 and 8, since 2019.
Liam,* Benjamin* and Lucas* came into CPS care due to neglect and their mother's struggle with substance abuse. They went to live in their first foster home, but suspicions about the suitability of the environment were soon raised when teachers at school reported seeing the boys begging for food and trying to stuff food in their backpacks.
After they were placed in their next foster home, Sandra’s hopes were high for a stable environment for the siblings, but due to concerns about the placement, it became clear that they would again need to find another home for the boys.
Due to the trauma and neglect the boys had experienced in their young lives, they struggled with some behavior problems and would often fight. Sandra remained patient and persistent in trying to develop relationships with each sibling. She would often visit their school to have lunch with them. Though many of the adults in the boys’ lives had let them down, Sandra was committed to proving that she could be counted on, no matter what.
Now, the boys are so happy to see Sandra when she comes to visit. During one home visit, the boys were struggling to get along and one of the boys was having a particularly hard time. Sandra simply asked him if he needed a hug. He ended up sitting in Sandra’s lap for 15 minutes.
As the case has continued, Sandra has been diligent in her work to help find the boys a safe and permanent home. She has been instrumental in ensuring the needs of the siblings are being met wherever they have gone, and now, due to her work the children have a promising new placement lined up.
Sandra is also researching summer camps, sports and activities for the boys. She has even helped line up a specialized appointment at a foster care clinic that she is hopeful will have a hugely positive impact. She is committed to making sure Liam, Benjamin and Lucas have access to a brighter future no matter what.
Because of her outstanding work on this case and incredible commitment to advocacy, Sandra was recently named our May “Volunteer of the Month”. Everyone at Child Advocates is so thankful for her dedication to bettering the lives of Houston’s abused children.
Thank you, and congratulations, Sandra!
To learn how you can become a volunteer and make a difference like Sandra, click here.
*Names were changed to protect the identity of the children we help.
You may put in a request of a court appointed advocate for any child/children currently in the temporary managing conservatorship of Harris County DFPS.

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To report child abuse, neglect or abandonment, contact the Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline.
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